In inquiry we used provocation in our learning with the Olympics, Somthing interesting which I found out and never knew before is afther the Olympics are over most the bluding become abandom and haunted looking.
In this activerty we used provocation to look at both sides of the issue, our issue was how the contryes which are choosed to hold the olympics use billions of dollars to host the olympic games just for the houses and statiums to get abandom and forgotten after the Olympics end. Me and my partners first thought that the money was wasted and could have been used on more helpful things, for example Paris is known as the most stressful contryes, this may be because of the cost of housing and the amount of trafic that blocks the roads in Paris.
But after we looked at the other side, the other side being how it was a good choice to spend that much money on the Olympics as we think spending the money is a great opportunity to come together and get a chance to show their skills and what they have learnt in the past years, this can also help them get into a small business this could make them have profit and etc, Making paris more known and popular can not make there training go to waste, we also though that it was good as they made a profit of 700,000$ back
I liked this activerty as I really enjoy learning more about provocation, and how it shows both sides therefore you can understand them.