Tag: Inquiry

Tokelau language week

For Tokelau language week me and my partner Keira found out 10 interesting facts about Tokelau, First me and Keira created a slideshow to showcase our facts on, we then went to go research more about Tokelau, the first interesting fact I found out was that Tokelau is known for its bird watching, many extrodanary birds can be seen sleeping and flying .

And one interesting fact Keira found out was that Tokelau is home to many native plant species some being Graceful Spurge, Coconut Palm tree and Bird’s Nest Fern, as well as being home to many traditional Polynesian cuisine some are Ota and Ugauga.

I found this task interesting since I got to learn more about Tokelau.

Using provocation with the Olympics

In inquiry we used provocation in our learning with the Olympics, Somthing interesting which I found out and never knew before is afther the Olympics are over most the bluding become abandom and haunted looking.

In this activerty we used provocation to look at both sides of the issue, our issue was how the contryes which are choosed to hold the olympics use billions of dollars to host the olympic games just for the houses and statiums to get abandom and forgotten after the Olympics end. Me and my partners first thought that the money was wasted and could have been used on more helpful things, for example Paris is known as the most stressful contryes, this may be because of the cost of housing and the amount of trafic that blocks the roads in Paris.

But after we looked at the other side, the other side being how it was a good choice to spend that much money on the Olympics as we think spending the money is a great opportunity to come together and get a chance to show their skills and what they have learnt in the past years, this can also help them get into a small business this could make them have profit and etc, Making paris more known and popular can not make there training go to waste, we also though that it was good as they made a profit of 700,000$ back

I liked this activerty as I really enjoy learning more about provocation, and how it shows both sides therefore you can understand them.

2 words 2 minutes

2 words 2 minutes

We used the ‘2 words 2 minute’ challenge to write our knowledge about the ancient olympics. We chose the words ‘Greece’ and ‘athletes’ to help us think about what we were going to write.

We had 2 minutes to put our ideas into sentences. I tried my best to use ‘Greece’ and ‘athletes’. After the time was up we had 2 minutes to reread what we had written and make changes if anything didn’t make sense or if we had words and punctuation in the wrong place, I did end up using the two words which I felt proud about. When we finished checking we had another 3 minutes to carry on writing down our knowledge of the ancient olympics, I wrote about Zeus, the 100 oxyn which was sacrificed, only men participating, what items were given when won the olympics and more which you can see in my book down low.

This activity was Interesting and really helped me with my writing because when we were check what and what not we had I realized that I needed to work on adding rhetorical questions.

Ancient Greek Olympic Research Challenge:

LI: To use our smart searching skills to help us explore the Ancient Olympic games
LI: To work collaboratively in groups as an active participant and contributor

Our challenge was to work in our groups to carry out a mini collaborative inquiry into the ancient olympic games. We used our smart searching skills to help us answer the questions. Our group worked on one or two questions each and  Something I found interesting was if you were to lose you had to eat a handful of sand and you would get whipped by your coach/ judges.


For this week we got to build a catapult, we got into groups of 2 or 3 and then drew our idea on what the catapulte would look like. As soon we drew our idea got to get our meterials we needed for eg newspaper, tape ect. Then we  started building, when building our catapult we made many designs and many mistakes but still got there at the end.

Soon as we were finished our Catapults we did a competitons and see who can shoot the far’s.

I found this activity interesting because I learnt how to make something new

Water safety

L.I: Using your new knowledge and your smart searching skills.

Water safety is an amazing and excellence skill to learn, because its a skill which can help you and maybe save your life when you are in a tricky situration revolving water, at AUT Millennium we got to do an activerties and one being water safety, I learnt that if you are in a boat with other people and for some reason all of yous fell out, if that happens the smallest people should be in the middle well the other go around them creating a circle, this will keep each other warm.

I liked and enjoyed this task because one day I might be able to use this knowledge and it might even save my life.

Chinese Lantern Festival

Our task was to research about the Chinese Lantern Festival, And we found out that the Chinese Lantern Festival is a holiday originated in China. Chinese Lantern Festival comes from traditions of offering to gods in the Zhou Dynasty. This festival uses red and gold because red resembles fortune and gold represents wealth, this is also a big celebration in the chinese calendar as many believe this washes away the bad and old, and invites/welcomes the good.

I found this task interesting as I got to learn about a new cultural holiday.

Haiku poem

In the a Haiku poem there are 7 syllables, 10 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word, For my haiku poem I did one about Maui and the sun, my poem was

The sun moved quickly
Maui had an idea
To capture the sun

He woke up early
Maui tried his best to throw
Maui brought the sun

Searching for the Ra
They came across a large whole
They hid and waited

He used up his strength
And slowly woke up the sun
Pulling it closer

He found companions
And started to hit the Ra
Slowly and slowly

I liked this task because my partner which was Brooke made it more Interesting.

Our whenua

L.I: To connect to the Whenua around PBS (our local area)

For an activity in LS2 we got to learn and explore the streets and see what the meaning were, for example the road named “Dunkirk” the meaning behinded this was afther a event which occurred in world war 2, 300,000 soliders where pulled up from the sea, they were overwhelmed with happyness, they called this the “Dunkirk spirit”. We also had to research about our school and when in opened.

I enjoyed this task and seeing what the streets around PBS meant.

Vision broad 2024

This term LS2 created new vision broads which showcased our goals we want to archive at the end of the year

For my vision broad I put a netball player named Ameliaranne, because when I grow up I want to be the same as her, I also want to get into Selwyn collage as all my cousins and friends go there, I also want to get better at my maths and reading, to do this I will have to focus, lisen and ask more questions when needed, lastly I want to get a math reward at the end of the year.

I enjoyed sharing my goals, as it helps me realize I can archive them.