Category: Hanga | Create

Rewrite but don’t use…

For a task we got to choose nursary rhymes and miss would picks letters which we were not aloud to use, for example if the rhyme was “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall” and the letter was “a” you would have to change the word “sat”and “wall” since it has the letter A in it.

To find words we could change we got to use wordhippo as a big help, using word hippo can help you alot when trying to strengthen your vocabulary, this presentation at the top shows and also had a voice recording of both me and Mercy’s Original Nursery Rhyme and the one we made, the word we weren’t able to use was “A, K, L”

I enjoyed this task as I got to learn more and better words to use when working, or on a daily base


For this week we got to build a catapult, we got into groups of 2 or 3 and then drew our idea on what the catapulte would look like. As soon we drew our idea got to get our meterials we needed for eg newspaper, tape ect. Then we  started building, when building our catapult we made many designs and many mistakes but still got there at the end.

Soon as we were finished our Catapults we did a competitons and see who can shoot the far’s.

I found this activity interesting because I learnt how to make something new

Google meets Panmure Bridge School

The wonderful crew from Aotearoa Google which includes Steve, Caro, Teyha, and Simon visited our school and gave us inspirable quotes, one that hit me the most was when they said  “Celebrate failure and success” this quote shows to not give up when something fails, keep trying untill you get there.

Advice the Google team gave that I want to share with you is “focus on subjects you enjoy instead of ones you dont’  and also when Cora said ” I haven’t worked a day in my life” refereeing to how she enjoys and loves her job, this also shows that growing up doesn’t mean joyfulness and excitement go away and how a job doesn’t have to be boring and draining, instead it can be a job you value and treasure.

LS1 with LS2 both got to experience and meet the Google team and lisen to advice from them, I really appreciated the time the Google team gave up and hope to use this advice in the future to do better.

This was an amazing experience, Thank you Google for you time and advice.

Prime and composite Numbers

LI: how to identify prime numbers and composite numbers.

For maths we have been strengthening our knowledge on prime numbers, and something I have found out is that numbers which are not prime numbers are called “composite numbers”, a prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and 1 well composite is the opposite, if a number can be divided by many numbers and has more than 2 factors that will be called a composite, something interesting you might wanna know is that mostly all even numbers are composite but 2 isn’t.

I enjoyed this task because if I found out that prime numbers may sound like they would be hard to learn and hard to find in test, but they are actually easy when you understand them.

Samoan hand tatau

LI: make a pattern for Samoan language week.

Our task was to create a pattern for Samoan Language Week which is called Samoan Hand Tatau, we got to find designs to put on our hand, for my hand I chose to represent my mum, dad, sisters and brother, they all got their own figer. then I found a patern which means to protect, I decided to put the protection design in the middle therefore all of my family members could connect to it, this would show that all my family are protected, then at the bottom of my hand you can see a harakeke, this symbolize me and my family growing together.

I enjoyed my task as it was a bit challenging but at the end I got to share a peace of work which has a deep meaning to it and me.

Information report, Bengal swamp tigers

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the swamp tiger.

We used our knowlge skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes but in our own words. We had used these interesting notes to help us write our information report. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.

Swamp tigers or as you may know them as Panthera tigris tigris are beautiful creatures, but as majestic they may appear. Their extremely dangerous, swamp tigers are also known as MAN-EATER, as strange it may be, swamp tigers don’t prefer fresh water, instead they like and live in saltwater in the mangrove forests.

A swamp tiger grows about 1.5x more than your regular tiger , and is around 1,000 pounds in captivity. Did you know that their homes ‘’Mangroves’’ are muddy places and are getting smaller? This is because we add to our house and cities. It’s also due to pollution.

A swamp tiger usually eats meat which makes it a carnival. Tigers are obligate carnivores, meaning they only can digest meat and eat it all the time. An example of the meat they eat is: turtles,monkeys, humans etc.

The swamp tigers are very protective and totoreval about their habitat, as it says in the opening statement, swamp tigers live in mangroves forests, because of this they can camouflage well and this makes it easier to catch predators, are you aware the swamp tigers are natural hunters?.

Overall the swamp tigers are endangered as they have lots of loss in habitat, the pollution we have caused them by expanding the cities has had a huge impact on the rare swamp tigers, we need to take action to this.

Swamp tigers

LI:To create a multi modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers

For a task we got learn, take notes, and find information about swamp tigers, here’s some information I found out, if you don’t already know a swamp tiger is a tiger which lives in swamps, they prefere hot over cold enveriments, and they are not found in fresh water, they are found in salt water.

A swamp tiger is beautiful and majestic some say, I also think that as most of them has beutiful eyes, a diet of a swamp tigers mostly contains meat, this is because they are carnival.

The swamp tigers are very protective and sneaky animals, they are mostly protective of their territory, and they camouflage well, this makes it more easy to catch predators

I enjoyed this task and it really strengthen my knowledge about a tiger that I never knew existed.

Addition Algorithm

For an activerty we got to choose to make an DLO about multiplication/addition division or subtraction, I choose to do addition as that’s the one I know the most about, Algorithm is a strategy which is used to help find out answers more easily. When you have learnt it and understood it, maths will probably become more easy for you! Algorithm can also be used for subtraction, multiplication, and division, including short and long division, learning this makes maths much more easier.

I enjoyed this task because I got to share my knowledge on algorithm.

3D shapes

L.I: Label 3D shapes. The name and properties of 3D shapes.

For maths we got to learn about 3D shapes, we learnt that 3D shapes have 3 Dimensions, length, width, and height, we also had a challenge where we had to found out the amount of properties, corners and edges the 3D shape had and got to write them down, therefore we could record our learning, an example of a 3D shape is a ball, a ball would be called a spare/circle.

I enjoyed this task as I learn more about 3D and I got to strengthen my knowledge on 3d shapes.

Water safety

L.I: Using your new knowledge and your smart searching skills.

Water safety is an amazing and excellence skill to learn, because its a skill which can help you and maybe save your life when you are in a tricky situration revolving water, at AUT Millennium we got to do an activerties and one being water safety, I learnt that if you are in a boat with other people and for some reason all of yous fell out, if that happens the smallest people should be in the middle well the other go around them creating a circle, this will keep each other warm.

I liked and enjoyed this task because one day I might be able to use this knowledge and it might even save my life.