Today we used and explored papyrusAI to help us in our writing. PapyrusAI is a generative AI which helps us with our writing by using our ideas and its own prior knowledge to make predictions about our stories. It gets all its ideas from a large language model (LLM). We used our knowledge of the fairy tales Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood. Papyrus AI helped me combine the two stories to create another new fairy tale. I really liked the feedback Papyrus AI gave me since it made me realize the amount of work I could have put in my story.

The forest of bonds
Snow White is a young, beautiful, kind, sweet princess who lives in a tall, great castle, living a life you could dream of until her dad got married to her evil stepmother, Tina. Tina was a very evil, selfish, and quite jealous woman. Tina also owned an ancient magic mirror, which she asked every day, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” She thought she already knew the answer, but she was completely wrong. The mirror replied, “You have rare beauty, my dear, but Snow White is the fairest of them all.” The smirk on Tina’s face quickly disappeared as she growled angrily and yelled, “Guard, send Snow White to the deep, dark woods and make sure she never returns, or I will lock her in A cage and thats where she will perish!”
The guard quickly went to obey the queen’s orders and told Snow White to follow him. It was just turning dark as she looked up at the tall standing trees, wondering, “Where is my mother’s guard taking me?” The guard felt so bad since Snow White was so sweet and kind; he decided to tell her the truth: “Snow White, leave and never return, or your mother will lock you up in a cage for the rest of your life!” Snow White was shocked but accepted the truth. The guard left, and Snow White was alone in the deep, dark, cold, and scary woods. She could hear wolves howling throughout the night. She found a pile of leaves and decided to take a nap there.
Snow White woke up to the sound of birds singing. As she heard footsteps coming closer, she quickly hid behind some bushes and saw a little girl wearing a red hood. Snow White was shocked that such a little girl knew her way in the woods. The girl was picking flowers when, all of a sudden, a big bad wolf approached her and asked, “Hello there, what is your name?” Snow White was beyond shocked; she never knew animals could talk. All her life, she was hidden away from the real world, and she just realised this now, doubting herself for believing such lies.
The little girl replied to the wolf, “My name is Little Red Riding Hood; at least that’s what they call me, heh” she said with a smile. But then, she suddenly remembered her mother’s words: “Don’t talk to strangers.” Little Red Riding Hood quickly went on her way to her granny’s. Curiosity nagged at Snow White, and she decided to follow quietly behind.
When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her granny’s house, she stepped inside and greeted her, “Hello, Grandma. I heard you’re quite sick.” “Yes, my dear. Come closer,” her granny said in a forced, deep voice. Little Red Riding Hood didn’t think much about it, assuming it was because her granny was ill. As she stepped closer, she was surprised by her grandma’s features…
“Grandma, what big ears you have,” Little Red Riding Hood said. “All the better to hear you with, my dear,” the figure replied. “What sharp teeth you have, Granny!” she exclaimed. Suddenly, the big bad wolf laughed, “HAHAHAHAHA,” and jumped out of the bed. It wasn’t my granny I was talking to; it was the big bad wolf, Little Red Riding Hood thought to herself, realising the danger just before becoming the wolf’s meal.
Snow White ran through the door after hearing Little Red Riding Hood’s yell and quickly came to the rescue. She grabbed the wolf by the leg, shaking it up and down until both Granny and Little Red Riding Hood were freed. The big bad wolf, frightened, ran away from the woods, never to return. Grateful for Snow White’s help, Granny and Little Red Riding Hood offered her shelter. Snow White shared her story with them, and they welcomed her with open arms.
Together, Granny, Little Red Riding Hood, and Snow White lived happily. Not long after, Snow White met and married the prince of Elendor. In gratitude for all that Granny and Little Red Riding Hood had done, the prince granted them a beautiful, grand mansion. The end.