Category: Hanga | Create


On Summer Learning Jurney this is a task where you can create an mask using any material you like!! I chose to use paper as making it would make it much easier.

i decided to make an elephant mask as it was the first animal to pop up in my head, I made it by firstly I got gray paper which matched with the skin of an elephant, I Then cut it out in a shape that resembled the head of an elephant, after I got the basics done I drew two circle where the eyes were going to be placed, inside of the circle I cut a small hole therefore I could see thought it,m lastly I added little detail and I was done.

I enjoyed this task as it was very creative and I could use my own ideas to make something to my liking

Oragami fish

For this task we made fishes out of paper, following the instructions carefully and looking closely this is what came out of my hardwork!

This task strengthened my knowledge with paper oragami and made me realize all the simple steps you have to take to create you peice of art, all details matter, but when you get the hang of it its really easy to understand and make.

This is how to make an oragami fish

  1. Fold the the upper left corner to the lower right corner.
  2. Unfold. You now have a diagonal crease
  3. Fold the upper right corner to the lower left corner.
  4. Unfold
  5. Fold the top half back.
  6. Unfold
  7. Poke the center with your finger so that the center pops in.
  8. Bring the left and right sides together so that the paper collapses into a triangle.
  9. Press firmly to flatten the triangle.
  10. Rotate the triangle left 90° (counter-clockwise).
  1. Fold the bottom corner up a little above the center.
  2. Turn the fish over and you’re done.
  3. Draw the eye and some stripes to make it look nice!
Then you have a fish!!
This task was fun to do and really creative, I  like this task as I got to design my fish in the end which was really fun.

WANTED!! stone fish

I made an poster which shows one of the worlds most dangerous fish, what tells people “Do not approach!!” since approaching it will put you in much danger.

three interesting facts I founded out about stone fish is that

  • They can survive for up to 24 hours out of water.
  • They are the most venomous fish in the world.
  • Stone fish can bite you in 0.015 seconds.

I enjoyed this task since I got to learn more about fish, and since I didn’t know that stone fish were the most dangerous and venomous fish in the sea.

Maths game

We have been working on a maths game and my group decided to make an 4 in a row type of game which includes maths.

When we first started this task we thought of doing an ice cream truck one, on our computors but then we lucky got gifted some carbord and that when one of my team members though of making our sonic 4 in a row game, we stared off by cutting the carbord in to circle and drawing our charetor from sonic.

We then created the broad with 3 squares on the side and 3 up top, the way we included maths into our game is there are squares which have plus, time, takeaway, and devied, you would have to pick up a random one of your choice and then roll both the dice and for example it you picked upm the addition square you would have to add both the numbers.

Our games characters were from sonic since we think it would stand out more to kids than others since kids might have watched sonic and might have a connection to it, the way to play our game was

  • Find a Partner and each choose a character.
  • Rock paper scissors to decide who starts first.
  • Whoever is first closes their eyes and picks up one of the +x- cards that are faced down, whatever symbol you get is what equation you need to solve.
  • Roll the dice and the first one to answer the question right gets to put one of their tokens in a square.
  • Keep playing until one person gets 4 in a row
  • If you run out of tokens, you can swap your token with another. (Only if you have none left)

This is how you play our game the right way, I enjoyed this task and I also really liked the creative part in it.

Exploring AI in writing

Today we used and explored papyrusAI to help us in our writing. PapyrusAI is a generative AI which helps us with our writing by using our ideas and its own prior knowledge to make predictions about our stories. It gets all its ideas from a large language model (LLM). We used our knowledge of the fairy tales Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood. Papyrus AI helped me combine the two stories to create another new fairy tale. I really liked the feedback Papyrus AI gave me since it made me realize the amount of work I could have put in my story.

The forest of bonds 

Snow White is a young, beautiful, kind, sweet princess who lives in a tall, great castle, living a life you could dream of until her dad got married to her evil stepmother, Tina. Tina was a very evil, selfish, and quite jealous woman. Tina also owned an ancient magic mirror, which she asked every day, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” She thought she already knew the answer, but she was completely wrong. The mirror replied, “You have rare beauty, my dear, but Snow White is the fairest of them all.” The smirk on Tina’s face quickly disappeared as she growled angrily and yelled, “Guard, send Snow White to the deep, dark woods and make sure she never returns, or I will lock her in A cage and thats where she will perish!”

The guard quickly went to obey the queen’s orders and told Snow White to follow him. It was just turning dark as she looked up at the tall standing trees, wondering, “Where is my mother’s guard taking me?” The guard felt so bad since Snow White was so sweet and kind; he decided to tell her the truth: “Snow White, leave and never return, or your mother will lock you up in a cage for the rest of your life!” Snow White was shocked but accepted the truth. The guard left, and Snow White was alone in the deep, dark, cold, and scary woods. She could hear wolves howling throughout the night. She found a pile of leaves and decided to take a nap there.

Snow White woke up to the sound of birds singing. As she heard footsteps coming closer, she quickly hid behind some bushes and saw a little girl wearing a red hood. Snow White was shocked that such a little girl knew her way in the woods. The girl was picking flowers when, all of a sudden, a big bad wolf approached her and asked, “Hello there, what is your name?” Snow White was beyond shocked; she never knew animals could talk. All her life, she was hidden away from the real world, and she just realised this now, doubting herself for believing such lies.

The little girl replied to the wolf, “My name is Little Red Riding Hood; at least that’s what they call me, heh” she said with a smile. But then, she suddenly remembered her mother’s words: “Don’t talk to strangers.” Little Red Riding Hood quickly went on her way to her granny’s. Curiosity nagged at Snow White, and she decided to follow quietly behind.

When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her granny’s house, she stepped inside and greeted her, “Hello, Grandma. I heard you’re quite sick.” “Yes, my dear. Come closer,” her granny said in a forced, deep voice. Little Red Riding Hood didn’t think much about it, assuming it was because her granny was ill. As she stepped closer, she was surprised by her grandma’s features…

“Grandma, what big ears you have,” Little Red Riding Hood said. “All the better to hear you with, my dear,” the figure replied. “What sharp teeth you have, Granny!” she exclaimed. Suddenly, the big bad wolf laughed, “HAHAHAHAHA,” and jumped out of the bed. It wasn’t my granny I was talking to; it was the big bad wolf, Little Red Riding Hood thought to herself, realising the danger just before becoming the wolf’s meal.

Snow White ran through the door after hearing Little Red Riding Hood’s yell and quickly came to the rescue. She grabbed the wolf by the leg, shaking it up and down until both Granny and Little Red Riding Hood were freed. The big bad wolf, frightened, ran away from the woods, never to return. Grateful for Snow White’s help, Granny and Little Red Riding Hood offered her shelter. Snow White shared her story with them, and they welcomed her with open arms.

Together, Granny, Little Red Riding Hood, and Snow White lived happily. Not long after, Snow White met and married the prince of Elendor. In gratitude for all that Granny and Little Red Riding Hood had done, the prince granted them a beautiful, grand mansion. The end.


Tokelau language week

For Tokelau language week me and my partner Keira found out 10 interesting facts about Tokelau, First me and Keira created a slideshow to showcase our facts on, we then went to go research more about Tokelau, the first interesting fact I found out was that Tokelau is known for its bird watching, many extrodanary birds can be seen sleeping and flying .

And one interesting fact Keira found out was that Tokelau is home to many native plant species some being Graceful Spurge, Coconut Palm tree and Bird’s Nest Fern, as well as being home to many traditional Polynesian cuisine some are Ota and Ugauga.

I found this task interesting since I got to learn more about Tokelau.


Since our speech competition were coming up, me aswell as my class were challenged to think of a persuasive topic to create our speech about, I chose to share and make a speech about  “why you should enjoy being young”.

The reason I chose “why you should enjoy being young” is because in my opinion not many teenagers and kids realize how little the time is being young and freeful compared to the long time you have being old, I didn’t want others to have to carry that regret of wasting their child hood since its a common tought pattern, I also think we shouldnt be wasting our precious time on video games and things that make memories which wont hit like the others.

My mother once told me, “If I could go back to being young I would make sure to be more happy and less stressed, because happiness comes around more simply when you are younger” As you age so many things come about for example, paying rent, bills, loans and finding a job. You can’t live off your parents or caregivers forever can you? When you grow up it’s not as easy as you think. All job seekers have a 26.24% probability of receiving a job offer, 26.24% is crazy in my opinion, making money sure will be hard, because if that statistic paints a picture of life now. What will that number be when I’m no longer young enough to enjoy being young?

I think this task was very very excellence to participate in since I got to speak about something I think should be more recinized.

Heart rate experiment

For an activerty we got to explore and learn more about our heart rates, our heart rates is the speed our heart beats, for this task we had to get into partners, but first we had to check our pulse ourselfs, a timer was put on and we had to see how much our heart beats in that period of time, then we got our partners to check it, for me it was the same about of times.

Then we went outside for the same task but with a twist, to get our heart racing we started jogging on the spot for 1min and when we heard miss squeez the wistle we quickly stopped and our partners started checking our pulse, the first time after jogging my heart beat was basicly the same but when I had to do it again it was much more, my heart rate when from 28 to 36.

This task was very new to me therefore I found it interesting and fun to participate in.

Kingi Tuheitia & Kuini Nga Wai Hono i te Po

On Maori language week we explored the kings and queens of our maori culture.The Maori King, Kingi Tuheitia has sadly passed, which means the title and honor of being the king or queen has to be passed on, it was passed on to his daughter who is now known as Kuini Nga Wai Hono I te Po. Kingi Tuheitia was going to university, however, he found work closer to home he was later a concrete and logging truck driver who became known for his willingness to pick up hitchhikers. As well as doing the army and meatworking.

Why is sleep so important?

LI: To explain why sleeping is so important

LI:To read images and make inferences

Sleeping is a huge part of growing and revolving into the human body, it has many benefits and is very very important to your body, but this doesn’t mean too much sleep is needed as there are disadvantages to oversleeping for example    depression, heart diseases, memory loss and many more

There are many side effects for getting to much AND no sleep, undersleeping can cause headaches, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Greater risk of dying from a medical condition, but not everyone gets the opportunity and chance to sleep, some people are rather to busy and don’t feel safe and dont have the equipment to survive.

every age has a time of how much sleep that age group needs, my year group needs 8-10 hours! all are very different and something I noticed is the older you get the less sleep you need, here are some things you might wanna know about sleep! If you have a great sleep it can make you remember some of the memories you have had in the past years as well as having an active brain, Women have more sleep compared to men, meaning they have a rhythm by six minutes so they often feel less tired in the evening.

I enjoyed this task and now I’ll always remember to sleep more since I don’t really meet the requirements.