Tag: Writing

Information report, Bengal swamp tigers

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the swamp tiger.

We used our knowlge skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes but in our own words. We had used these interesting notes to help us write our information report. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.

Swamp tigers or as you may know them as Panthera tigris tigris are beautiful creatures, but as majestic they may appear. Their extremely dangerous, swamp tigers are also known as MAN-EATER, as strange it may be, swamp tigers don’t prefer fresh water, instead they like and live in saltwater in the mangrove forests.

A swamp tiger grows about 1.5x more than your regular tiger , and is around 1,000 pounds in captivity. Did you know that their homes ‘’Mangroves’’ are muddy places and are getting smaller? This is because we add to our house and cities. It’s also due to pollution.

A swamp tiger usually eats meat which makes it a carnival. Tigers are obligate carnivores, meaning they only can digest meat and eat it all the time. An example of the meat they eat is: turtles,monkeys, humans etc.

The swamp tigers are very protective and totoreval about their habitat, as it says in the opening statement, swamp tigers live in mangroves forests, because of this they can camouflage well and this makes it easier to catch predators, are you aware the swamp tigers are natural hunters?.

Overall the swamp tigers are endangered as they have lots of loss in habitat, the pollution we have caused them by expanding the cities has had a huge impact on the rare swamp tigers, we need to take action to this.

Swamp tigers

LI:To create a multi modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers

For a task we got learn, take notes, and find information about swamp tigers, here’s some information I found out, if you don’t already know a swamp tiger is a tiger which lives in swamps, they prefere hot over cold enveriments, and they are not found in fresh water, they are found in salt water.

A swamp tiger is beautiful and majestic some say, I also think that as most of them has beutiful eyes, a diet of a swamp tigers mostly contains meat, this is because they are carnival.

The swamp tigers are very protective and sneaky animals, they are mostly protective of their territory, and they camouflage well, this makes it more easy to catch predators

I enjoyed this task and it really strengthen my knowledge about a tiger that I never knew existed.

Haiku poem

In the a Haiku poem there are 7 syllables, 10 syllables. Syllables are chunks of a word, For my haiku poem I did one about Maui and the sun, my poem was

The sun moved quickly
Maui had an idea
To capture the sun

He woke up early
Maui tried his best to throw
Maui brought the sun

Searching for the Ra
They came across a large whole
They hid and waited

He used up his strength
And slowly woke up the sun
Pulling it closer

He found companions
And started to hit the Ra
Slowly and slowly

I liked this task because my partner which was Brooke made it more Interesting.

Sentence structure

LI: to explore the structure of sentences.

To strengthen our knowledge on our sentence structures we got to play a game where we had to pick the right answere, from this chellenge I can saw that I need focus on my complex and compound sentences, and  I have a very clear understand on my simple sentences, I only made it up to 64,000 after several tries.

Each sentence has its own meaning, they are all different but the same, for example a simple sentence is 1 idea, but a compound sentence is two simple sentences with a F.A.N.B.O.Y.S what puts them together.

I liked and enjoyed this task because I enjoyed the game and I liked to see what I had to improve on.


LI: to explore the structure of sentences.

For an activerty we got to recall our memory and understand the three sentences, the three are simple, compound and complex, A simple sentence is a mostly short sentence, it includes a verb and a noun “a verb is an action, a noun is the name of a thing. A compound sentence is a sentence which has a combination of 2 simple sentences, which get put together with a fanboy “ for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.”, an example of this is “the spider was making its web, but the fly who was buzzing around got in its way.” when writing any sentence you always have to remember the full stop and capital.

I liked this task because I grew my knowledge on the three sentences and this is a very important subject as I will use it many times going forward.

Treaty Of Waitangi

For an activerty this term we got to learn more about the Treaty Of Waitangi

I learnt alot more about the treaty of waitangi and it really opens my eyes to reality, I learnt the amount of Maori people who fought for their rights and how the treaty was a big effect to Aotearoa New zealand, for this task I worked with a group of people, we had to read and find out more information to make the DLO which is shown up top by researching more and reading alot.

I enjoyed this task as I learnt more about the past and history of New Zealand.

A moment in time Poem – Maungarei

LI: To discirbe a poem about a moment in time

For wirtting this week we had a challenge where we had to create a poem using our experience on the maunga, but there was a twist, we had to add what we thought happened in the past to as it is present.

Panmure Bridge school went up Maungarei, when we got back to school we had a challenge where we had to create a poem using our experience up mt wellington, we had to use what we felt, heard, saw, and wondered, we also had to add what we thought our tupuna felt, heard, saw and wondered.

I enjoyed this task as a trip came with it.

Moment in time poem – Polar Bear

LI: To discirbe a poem about a moment in time

For wirtting this week we had a challenge where we had to create a poem using a video, the video was about a polar bear and a man, inorder to do this we had to imagine ourselfs in the mans shoes and we had to express how we would feel if we were him.

We did this in groups because in our class we belive that in groups we work better, after we watched the video we wrote down on our white broads what we heard, after we had completed writing down everything we heard, we picked 3 word which we had to make better and stronger, we did the same with “I felt, I saw, and I wondered”.

Then we used this information to make and create our poem, I enjoyed this task as it was interesting to put myself in his shoes and I found it exciting as I got to find out new word therefore I could grow my vocabulary.

My Special Taonga

LI: To structure and write an explanation

Our challenge was to write an explanation to tell others about something we value as a special taonga. Our challenge was to make sure what we had written made sense and each idea was explored in a paragraph. My taonga is my special Pounamu “greenstone” earring, I value this as a toanga because they were handed to my nan then my mum making its way to me, they are also were speical as I wore them to my first kapahaka performance.

I found this activity experresting because I way able to share to share about a Taonga that is very speical to me and my bloodline/family.

What happened down the stairs?

LI: To understand the 5 senses can be used to strengthen a description

Our challenge was to co construct a text using the olfactory, auditory, gustatorial, visual and kinesthetic senses to describe the story about ehat happen down the stairs. This time we were able to speak and sat facing our partners, witch made this task very easyer since both of us could explain what we had in mind and share our ideas with one another.

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense and had met the language feature challenge.

I found this activity appealing because this task was actually enjoyable because I understod it very well.