Tag: Cybersmart

Ancient Greek Olympic Research Challenge:

LI: To use our smart searching skills to help us explore the Ancient Olympic games
LI: To work collaboratively in groups as an active participant and contributor

Our challenge was to work in our groups to carry out a mini collaborative inquiry into the ancient olympic games. We used our smart searching skills to help us answer the questions. Our group worked on one or two questions each and  Something I found interesting was if you were to lose you had to eat a handful of sand and you would get whipped by your coach/ judges.

Information report, Bengal swamp tigers

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the swamp tiger.

We used our knowlge skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes but in our own words. We had used these interesting notes to help us write our information report. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.

Swamp tigers or as you may know them as Panthera tigris tigris are beautiful creatures, but as majestic they may appear. Their extremely dangerous, swamp tigers are also known as MAN-EATER, as strange it may be, swamp tigers don’t prefer fresh water, instead they like and live in saltwater in the mangrove forests.

A swamp tiger grows about 1.5x more than your regular tiger , and is around 1,000 pounds in captivity. Did you know that their homes ‘’Mangroves’’ are muddy places and are getting smaller? This is because we add to our house and cities. It’s also due to pollution.

A swamp tiger usually eats meat which makes it a carnival. Tigers are obligate carnivores, meaning they only can digest meat and eat it all the time. An example of the meat they eat is: turtles,monkeys, humans etc.

The swamp tigers are very protective and totoreval about their habitat, as it says in the opening statement, swamp tigers live in mangroves forests, because of this they can camouflage well and this makes it easier to catch predators, are you aware the swamp tigers are natural hunters?.

Overall the swamp tigers are endangered as they have lots of loss in habitat, the pollution we have caused them by expanding the cities has had a huge impact on the rare swamp tigers, we need to take action to this.

Swamp tigers

LI:To create a multi modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers

For a task we got learn, take notes, and find information about swamp tigers, here’s some information I found out, if you don’t already know a swamp tiger is a tiger which lives in swamps, they prefere hot over cold enveriments, and they are not found in fresh water, they are found in salt water.

A swamp tiger is beautiful and majestic some say, I also think that as most of them has beutiful eyes, a diet of a swamp tigers mostly contains meat, this is because they are carnival.

The swamp tigers are very protective and sneaky animals, they are mostly protective of their territory, and they camouflage well, this makes it more easy to catch predators

I enjoyed this task and it really strengthen my knowledge about a tiger that I never knew existed.

Kawa of Care

LI: to understand the things I may have to do inorder to keep my Chromebook safe

I completed the kawa of care quest, this quest is to understand and learn how to take care of my Chromebook, there was a test where I had to answered all the questions right because if I made an mistake I wouldn’t pass, this made the test more challenging and more fun . One of the questions was “when using your chromebook no ??? is allowed near you?” There were 2 options what were food and drinks or books, I chose the opion food and drinks and got it right.

I found this task interesting and fun because it strengthen my knowledge on how to keep my Chromebook safe.

Comment Thread

I revised how to comment thread.

First I learnt what to write first, greeting, what they did good, helpful comment, then question.

Then my partner commented on my transport blog post, with a greeting, what I did good, helpful comment, then asked a question.

Lastly I replied.

I liked this task and I enjoyed it, but I think I need to get better at commenting back.


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