Year: 2023


LI: To create a collage of photos to represent our experience at Kokako Lodge.

Our class created a collage of photos representing the time and experience we had at Kokako Lodge. The photos show our achievements and the fun we experienced while being at camp. These photos showcase the challenges we faced and how we overcame them.The collage we created is like a portfolio, that can give us a reminder on how we accomplished these difficult achievements. Throughout most our camp, we have all had a successful moment.

I found this activity exciting and a fun experience because I got to look at all my photos of me having fun at camp and make collage with them.

Main Idea

LI: To identify the main ideas in the text.

This week we have been learning how to find and collaboratively decide on the main idea in a text by negotiating. We read the text Lester and Clyde. This was a text about the consequences of pollution. Our group think the main idea was think of our consequences before doing an action as it shows us in story on how polluting in our drains can endanger our different animal life.

We found this activity hard exciting because it was hard to find a main idea together, but we worked as a team to find the ideas.

Whats a river?

LI: To identify and describe the features of the Tamaki River

This week we have been learning about what rivers are, their unique attributes and how to label them. We then created a DLO about the Tamaki river and its history. Did you know the Tamaki River is a estuarial arm.

Using our knowledge that we acquired, we showcased the features of the Tamaki river using an aerial map. We then compared the Tamaki River with a prominent river in the world. Our group chose to look at the Congo River. Finally we made a comparison of the two rivers.

We found this activite fun but a little hard because it was hard to find true facts about the rivers.

Explanation Writing

LI: To understand the structure and language features in an explanation

How did Goldilocks upset the bear family?

To upset someone it’s to make them disappointed, worried, or unhappy. In the fairytale Goldilocks and the three bears. She makes unwise decisions. Have you ever broken into someone’s house? 

Goldilocks found a cottage and entered into private property without permission from owners. Goldilocks was disrespectful and has no self morals which is shown when  she ate the bear family’s porridge. She sat on the baby chair in addition she ended up breaking the chair leaving it in pieces.

When the bears got home, they were shocked to find their porridge eaten and  the baby chair was broken. Imagine how upset you would feel getting home to find someone had broken into your house!

To help us understand how to write an explanation we looked at the purpose, the structure (what it looks like) and the language features. An explanation tells us how or why something is the way it is. To help us understand this we learnt about cause and effect. Cause and effect is an action and a reaction. We used the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears to help us understand this. Here is our explanation that describes how Goldilocks upset the Bear family.

This activity was fun to do because I learnt more about how to write an explanation.

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To explore the world in 1840 and the art of the Treaty.

This week we looked at what the world was like in 1840. Did you know the Treaty of Waitangi happened because Moaris wanted protection from the British from France since they would take their land.

We did this task to learn more about Treaty of Waitangi and the people who were involved in the Treaty, one of the most interesting fact I found out about Treaty of Waitangi is that when the treaty was getting signed british flags were on the table.

Basic Fact Boxes

Today I began my basic facts challenge. This challenge increase these fact as this knowledge will help us when working with bigger number.

My time today was 8.45 My goal for next time is getting lower then 7minutes To achiev this I will need to partice more numbers at home.