Year: 2023

Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find the story behind this picture

Our challenge was to write create a DLO that shows where this lighthouse is and what the story is behind the image. We found out that the Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument is a lighthouse in Ouessant and it is world wide famous as the story which comes with it, the story is how there was a lighthouse keeper what was caught in a really bad storm and there was a holicopter which in his mind was there to save him, but instide it was there to take pictures, because he thought it was there to save him he opened the door to take a look but then and there la jument got his world-press famous photo.

I found this activity interesting because if I never got the chance to learn about this I would have never knew somthing like this could ever happen.

Inchcape Rock

LI: To find and summarise the story behind the poem – On a fine day a ship sailed calmly on sea, No danger in sight the ship rocked among the waves, Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed a Bell on inchcape rock, Marners heard the warning bell when the rock was hiding.The sun which shone beautifully setting on the blue sea, the bell which laid on the inchcape rock was seen.The time of spring gave Sir Ralph a wickden idea, Sir Ralph felt the cunning urge to break the bell, Sir Ralph leaned over his boat cutting the inchcape bell, The bell lowered down as all the bubbles burst around, Sir Ralph sailed away, and scoured the sea many days, The sun stopped shining as darkness and dampness took over, Sir Ralph takes his stand as darkness took a hand, “nothing can be seen” one said confusion came upon them, wind drifted them onwards until the inchcape rock was seen, SIr Ralph teared his hair and, crust himself in agony as below Sir Ralph could hear the bell ring again.

Our challenge was to unpack the story behind the 17 verses of the poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southy. The part I found interesting was when Sir Ralph got a wickden idea when he felt the cunning urge to break the bell, I found this part very interesting the reason being it gave a interesting plot to the story which gave me a better reason to keep reading so I could see what happened next.

I found this activity thrilling because it was interesting finding new words to use in my 10 word summarise.

My Special Taonga

LI: To structure and write an explanation

Our challenge was to write an explanation to tell others about something we value as a special taonga. Our challenge was to make sure what we had written made sense and each idea was explored in a paragraph. My taonga is my special Pounamu “greenstone” earring, I value this as a toanga because they were handed to my nan then my mum making its way to me, they are also were speical as I wore them to my first kapahaka performance.

I found this activity experresting because I way able to share to share about a Taonga that is very speical to me and my bloodline/family.

What happened down the stairs?

LI: To understand the 5 senses can be used to strengthen a description

Our challenge was to co construct a text using the olfactory, auditory, gustatorial, visual and kinesthetic senses to describe the story about ehat happen down the stairs. This time we were able to speak and sat facing our partners, witch made this task very easyer since both of us could explain what we had in mind and share our ideas with one another.

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense and had met the language feature challenge.

I found this activity appealing because this task was actually enjoyable because I understod it very well.

These Shoes have a story to tell

LI: To use the 5 senses and personification to help us paint a picture with words.
To understand that personification is to give an inanimate object human qualities

Our  challenge was to co construct a text using personification and the senses to describe the story behind the shoes in this image. We sat back to back and weren’t able to talk, when one partner was done with thier sentence they would add a fullstop to tell the other person they are done so now its ur turn, this would continue until the story was done.Half way through Mrs Anderson challenged us to include a rhetorical question and a simile or metaphor me and my partner added ” cried, I was hoping to make it back home clean and dry” for the simile.Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense.

After that part of the challenge was finished we used the punctuation points game to me and my partners got 40 points, We marked eachother’s punctuation against the points table. We then had a chance to check our own work against the points table. That was fun because every point our partners missed menat we could take a point off theirs.

I found this activity interesting because I was able to work more on my teamwork and more about 5 senses, I also found this interesting because I was able to give a nonliving things and objects living attributes.

Equipment and Property

LI: Students will learn how to look after equipment and property.

This week for PB4L we created a contract discussing about your Properties and belongings of why they are important and why they need to looked after. This contract is also about respecting your belongings. An example of this is giving back what you were given to use, and look afther It, this is important to follow these because if you lost or broke it the person that handed it to you would trust you again with their things.

I found this activity interesting because I was able to tell people how much they could trust me.

Collaborative Art

LI: To use different types of warm and cool colours to recreate a world-known painting from Van Gogh.

This week’s art is about Van Gogh and his famous art piece “The Starry Night”. The Class was divided into 2 groups of 16 people, 1 of each group remade “The Starry Night” in warm colours and cool colours digitally.Each group divided 16 pieces of the Starry Night with each person in the group. Working as a collaborative team we gathered all or pieces to 1 DLO to finally reach our desired outcome.

I found this activity Joyful because it was a fun collaborating with different people but it was also interesting to see how our work would look like when put together in the end.

Tension Graphs

LI: To summarise a text using our own words

Our challenge was to show how our tension in each event in the story. We need to change the lines height to show the tension in throughout the story. Each tension was rated from 1 to 10 as we unfold the story.
I found this activity appealing because It was interesting to see my and my team’s tension in each part of the story.

How to read a nutrition label

LI: To read food labels and understand what they tell us

This week’s inquiry is about nutrition labels and how we read them. Our task was to make a poster that tells us how to read a nutrition label and how much of the portion should it have in a meal to be a healthy diet. We had to choose between 9 cereals that was the most healthiest by reading the nutrition label individually and I chose weet-Bix because from all the other cereals weet-Bixs had less sugar and a good amount of protein.
I found this activity Interesing because I liked learning about food lables and I found seeing what cereal was the healthiest and best to eat if on a healthy diet interesting.

Pablo Picasso Who am I?

LI to use our smart searching skills for research.

For this inquiry, our topic researching about the famous artist Pablo Picasso. By using our smart researching skill we used the knowledge on the internet to create a DLO on personal information about him. Something I found interesting about Picasso was that he went through the Blue Period from 1901 to 1904, and how much people and artist he inspired with his art.

I found this activity interesting because I enjoyed learning more about Pablo Picasso and how he inspired people worldwide with his qoutes.