Day: December 13, 2022

Organ quiz

Me and my group finished our organ quiz, and made it ever better

First we had to get all our information from our plan, for example who is putting the links on, or who is make the wrong and correct slides.

Next we had to add more quetions, we added 3 extra questions, and added a slide telling more about the organ and what the organ was.

Lastly we showed Mr Wong for feedback, Mr Wong gave feedback saying we just needed to add a picute and not to add a wibsite.

I liked this task and I enjoyed it, but I think I need to get better at expaining the stakeholder and perpus.


I did a task on SLJ called “its cool to be kind”.

First I looked what I needed to do first, I found that I needed to write a comment on somones blog post.

Then I wrote my comment on Mia-Bellas blog post.

Lastly I took a sreenshot to show poof.

I like this task and I enjoyed it, but I think I need to get better at saying nicer things in my comment.


How Scientist Live/survive in The South Pole

I reasearched how scientist in the south pole live and survive.

First I searched what temperature it is in the south pole, it is -49.3°C.

Next I searched what scientist in the south pole eat, I found that they eat “Sledging Biscuits”.

Lastly I reasearched how do scientist at south pole survive?, I found it said by staying on the station, the station is just like an hotel, except there aren’t any staff to do things for you.

I liked this task and I enjoyed it, but I think I need to get better at doing my reasearch.