Tag: Maths

Maths game

We have been working on a maths game and my group decided to make an 4 in a row type of game which includes maths.

When we first started this task we thought of doing an ice cream truck one, on our computors but then we lucky got gifted some carbord and that when one of my team members though of making our sonic 4 in a row game, we stared off by cutting the carbord in to circle and drawing our charetor from sonic.

We then created the broad with 3 squares on the side and 3 up top, the way we included maths into our game is there are squares which have plus, time, takeaway, and devied, you would have to pick up a random one of your choice and then roll both the dice and for example it you picked upm the addition square you would have to add both the numbers.

Our games characters were from sonic since we think it would stand out more to kids than others since kids might have watched sonic and might have a connection to it, the way to play our game was

  • Find a Partner and each choose a character.
  • Rock paper scissors to decide who starts first.
  • Whoever is first closes their eyes and picks up one of the +x- cards that are faced down, whatever symbol you get is what equation you need to solve.
  • Roll the dice and the first one to answer the question right gets to put one of their tokens in a square.
  • Keep playing until one person gets 4 in a row
  • If you run out of tokens, you can swap your token with another. (Only if you have none left)

This is how you play our game the right way, I enjoyed this task and I also really liked the creative part in it.

Integers – multiplication

LI: to multiply integers.

For our maths task we learn more about integers and how to multiply them, and what the outcome would be if for example you were multiplying -7 and 3, we would use our knowledge of  ‘Negative x positive= Negative’ therefore our answere would be -21

 Multipltying integers if just the same as if you were multiplying normal numbers, the thing different is  how you have to add the ‘-‘ if multiplying certain integers, Here another example, if your question was “-8 x -5 =?” you can find the answere out by timesing both 8 and 5 “you don’t need to worry about the negative yet” 8 x 5 =40 and looking back it says “ Positive x Negative = Negative” therefore your answer will be -21!

I enjoyed this task and I like sharing how to multiply integers.

Integers – add and subtract

LI: how to add and subtract integers.

For maths we have been strengthening our knowledge on integers by learning how to add and subtract them.

Integers are confusing when first learning about them, but going on its actually easy to understand if you remember these two thing ““When adding two negative numbers together the outcome will always be a negative number” and “When adding a negative number to a positive number, the biggest number of the two will be the outcome” keeping this in mind is a big help, another thing that helps is remembering that negative is the opposite of positive in my opinion.

I enjoyed this task because I found it easy to understand, and because when I was first learning these I thought they would be really hard.


Prime and composite Numbers

LI: how to identify prime numbers and composite numbers.

For maths we have been strengthening our knowledge on prime numbers, and something I have found out is that numbers which are not prime numbers are called “composite numbers”, a prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and 1 well composite is the opposite, if a number can be divided by many numbers and has more than 2 factors that will be called a composite, something interesting you might wanna know is that mostly all even numbers are composite but 2 isn’t.

I enjoyed this task because if I found out that prime numbers may sound like they would be hard to learn and hard to find in test, but they are actually easy when you understand them.

Addition Algorithm

For an activerty we got to choose to make an DLO about multiplication/addition division or subtraction, I choose to do addition as that’s the one I know the most about, Algorithm is a strategy which is used to help find out answers more easily. When you have learnt it and understood it, maths will probably become more easy for you! Algorithm can also be used for subtraction, multiplication, and division, including short and long division, learning this makes maths much more easier.

I enjoyed this task because I got to share my knowledge on algorithm.

3D shapes

L.I: Label 3D shapes. The name and properties of 3D shapes.

For maths we got to learn about 3D shapes, we learnt that 3D shapes have 3 Dimensions, length, width, and height, we also had a challenge where we had to found out the amount of properties, corners and edges the 3D shape had and got to write them down, therefore we could record our learning, an example of a 3D shape is a ball, a ball would be called a spare/circle.

I enjoyed this task as I learn more about 3D and I got to strengthen my knowledge on 3d shapes.

place and total values

LI: to name place and total values up to millions and two decimal place

For an activerty our class got to strengthen our knowledge on our place values.

Firstly Miss Fisi’iahi resesive our memory by reminding us what the place value house is and how it is used to help more people understand, when we all understood what we were doing, all groups got a special number that we had to work on, our number was 77,375, we had to work and find out what digits were in what place and how many ones tens hundreds ext were in the number.

I enjoyed this activerty as I really understood it which made it more easier to learn and understand.

Statistical Investigation

LI: to create diagram about the top 6 rivers in Auckland.

Our math group created a diagram which shows the top six rivers in Auckland from smallest to largest. We used our collaborative skills to find out the data of each river. We put these rivers in this order from shortest to longest Whau River 6km, Puhoi, Tamaki River, Waitakere River, Hoteo River, Wairoa River.
We used our knowledge to come to the conclusion on what river is the longest out of the 6 rivers in Auckland, which is Wairoa River what is 65km.

I found this activity enjoyable because I liked finding what river was the longest in New Zealand out of the top 6.

How Scientist Live/survive in The South Pole

I reasearched how scientist in the south pole live and survive.

First I searched what temperature it is in the south pole, it is -49.3°C.

Next I searched what scientist in the south pole eat, I found that they eat “Sledging Biscuits”.

Lastly I reasearched how do scientist at south pole survive?, I found it said by staying on the station, the station is just like an hotel, except there aren’t any staff to do things for you.

I liked this task and I enjoyed it, but I think I need to get better at doing my reasearch.


I learnt about temperature.

First Miss white told us what its measured in, its measured in degrees, but its also called degrees .c.

Next I had to make a copy of a google docs where it had questions like ” The temperature falls by 5 degrees from 8 degrees the new temperature?” and I had to answer it, I also learnt rise means add and falls means takeaways.

Lastly I made a DLO talking about facts and adding a lot information to it for example what the hottest place on earth is and what the coldest place on earth is.

I like this task and I enjoyed learning about temperature, but I think I need to get better at answering the questions.