Day: March 22, 2024

Moment in time poem – Polar Bear

LI: To discirbe a poem about a moment in time

For wirtting this week we had a challenge where we had to create a poem using a video, the video was about a polar bear and a man, inorder to do this we had to imagine ourselfs in the mans shoes and we had to express how we would feel if we were him.

We did this in groups because in our class we belive that in groups we work better, after we watched the video we wrote down on our white broads what we heard, after we had completed writing down everything we heard, we picked 3 word which we had to make better and stronger, we did the same with “I felt, I saw, and I wondered”.

Then we used this information to make and create our poem, I enjoyed this task as it was interesting to put myself in his shoes and I found it exciting as I got to find out new word therefore I could grow my vocabulary.